Keeping a head of the game as a website programmer

Posted on May 1, 2017 at 9:16 pm

As a programmer you have a certain level of responsibility to ensure that you program websites in certain way to make them safe and secure. This is not only from a functionality point of view but also from a security perspective as you need to ensure that you are trying to protect your client’s website and your hosting company’s server from getting hacked or the content on the site from being misused.

Often if a website is not programmed in the correct way and is easy for it to be compromised by a hacker, then personal data can be stolen, visitors can be redirected to another site without them knowing or consenting or the website may be taken offline. There have been incidences in the past where even big companies such as Sony and even government sites have been accessed by unauthorised personnel.

To ensure that you are up to date with all of the latest technological advances in programming it is advised that you either attend regular courses or ensure you do your own in depth research.

Make sure that all websites are registered on Webmaster tools and check of messages from Google as they will often pick up on sites where they believe they have been hacked and warn you.

Posted in Development