Web Marketing

When do you need to start marketing a new product?

Posted on February 15, 2021 at 3:28 pm

When it comes to launching a new product, you need to plan ahead of time to ensure that it is prevalent when the product is available to sale. You will need to put it on your website as soon as possible as it could take a few weeks for it to be picked up by the search engines. Often, when it is first indexed it may be quite low down the search results, which will make it harder to get traffic to the site.

Ideally if you want to ensure that your product advertising has time to be picked up, you need to start your marketing a few months prior. On your website, create a page with as much information as possible and make sure you put a launch date on if the product is not available to buy now. You may want to put a count down on. Some companies allow customers to pre order items so they know who much demand there may be for the item. A good way to collect data is to ask people to register to receive updates. This will allow you to collect their email but be sure to get their permission to contact them about other news and offers that may be of interest to them.

Posted in Web Marketing