Analytics and What it Means for Your Website

Posted on February 24, 2016 at 11:43 pm

Anybody involved in digital marketing and/or running a business online should, by this point, be aware of Google Analytics. It is the most popular online analytics platform in the world, and as it is connected to google, who are often one of the most important marketing channels for businesses, it can give you a lot of information which is important that can’t be collected through other sources.

It is very easy to begin to use analytics, and although there are a variety of more advanced things which can be done through the system, such as setting targets and customising KPI’s (which can be learned about through Google’s free online training course called Digital Analytics Fundamentals), as well as a number of other more specialised settings, for a simple e-commerce website with not too much going on, the standard layout upon first starting is already very useful. All you need to do to set analytics up on your website is to add a line of code on every page of your website, right before the closing header tag.

Posted in Web Marketing