How to beat your competitors online

Posted on November 19, 2018 at 2:20 pm

Online competition is becoming much more prevalent and if you do not stay ahead of the game, the chances are you will lose many potential customers to your competitors. It is important to put some time aside, ideally on a monthly basis to review your competitor’s online presence and compare it to what you offer. This means checking not only their website but also their social media and other forms of online marketing.

If one of your competitors have started to offer a service that you currently do not, then you need to think carefully about if this is something you should also be offering and the cost / time implications involved if you did.

It may be that they are simply a lot more active on the social media sites and by dedicating a little bit more time, you could also up your game on sites such as Facebook and Twitter.  Video is growing in popularity on websites and customers like to be able to see videos of the products or services they are interested in purchasing. This can be costly but can increase the number of conversions you get, meaning that it will pay for itself quite quickly.


Posted in Web Marketing