Is your website coping with the Christmas traffic?

Posted on December 17, 2020 at 8:03 pm

If you have a website that sells goods or services that are particularly popular around Christmas time then you may of noticed an even bigger increase than normal in traffic to your site. This is because more and more people have decided to shop online more this year due to COVID and so a large percentage that may of come in to your store or bought in persons from a different shop, had now come to you. Although this is great, it does mean you need to be ready for the extra traffic and also extra orders. As the deadline for the last post before Christmas gets closer, it is important to ensure that you get all the orders out in a a timely manner. It is a good idea to have a banner of your website and make it clear at checkout if the parcel will or will not arrive before Christmas. Allowing the customer to pay extra shipping to upgrade their deliver timescale is a good way to make a little extra money whilst also getting more orders in. To cope with the demand for extra bandwidth you need to ensure your hosting is good enough and ideally that you have cloud hosting which will allow for the changes in demand.

Posted in Web Marketing